What Is Plant Based Food?
I’m not a huge fan of meat and I’ve been told that it’s best to eat a plant based diet. I was wondering what plant based food is and how can I eat more of it? Also, is this diet better for the environment?
Vegan Lifestyle Advisor
I’m not a huge fan of meat and I’ve been told that it’s best to eat a plant based diet. I was wondering what plant based food is and how can I eat more of it? Also, is this diet better for the environment?
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Plant Based Food is a healthy substitute for meat. Plant based food is commonly made from soy, beans, peas, mushrooms or wheat gluten.
They are healthier than regular meat as they are lower in calories and saturated fat.
I love food made from plants, they are rich, healthy, they help me feel good and improve my health, they are delicious
Plant-based food is food made of plants – so there are absolutely no animal products included (no meat, no honey, no dairy, no eggs, and no other animal products). If you want to be completely plant-based, it would be a good idea to get information on some hidden ingredients that might also not be plant-based (e.g. certain man-made versions of vitamins and some natural flavourings and food colourings). Plant-based meals can be just as tasty as their meat versions, a plant-based lasagna for example is awesome!
As for your second question, yes, it is better for the planet, and also a lot better for animals, of course. Billions of animals suffer each year because people value their taste buds more than the life of a chicken, as an example. Plant-based diets are also proven to safe water and other resources when compared to non-plant-based diets.