Experts Answer: Is Tom Brady Vegan? –

Is Tom Brady Vegan?

I know Tom Brady is a vegetarian but is he vegan? I was watching a football game last night and they said that he had a vegan diet. I am just curious if he eats vegan food.


  1. 0

    Tom Brady does not like dairy or meat. He eats a lot of soy, but it is all veggie based. Tom is a little bit picky with his diet.

  2. 0

    Not exactly. Tom Brady doesn’t eat animal products or consume any meat, dairy, or eggs. However, he does consume a lot of red wine.

  3. 0

    No. Tom Brady eats 20% of his diet from meat, and 80% veggie based.

  4. 0

    According to Google in a recent interview he had, it states that Tom Brady practices veganism but he isn’t fully vegan. He practices the 80/20 rule. 80 percent vegan and 20 percent meat.

  5. 0

    Tom Brady does not like dairy or meat. He eats a lot of soy, but it is all veggie-based. Tom is a little bit picky with his diet.

  6. 0

    Tom Brady is a huge fan of vegan food.Brady follows the diet 80/20 rules where ut follows plant-based and animal-based foods accordingly.He primarily eats plants due to all the nutrients found in fruits and vegetables.

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