Experts Answer: Are Bagels Vegan? –

Are Bagels Vegan?

I was in a bagel shop today and they were selling vegan bagels. So my question is, are bagels vegan? I would like to know because I have been looking for a vegan bagel recipe and so far it’s not easy to find one.


  1. 0

    Not All bagels are vegan. Some are not made with any animal products whatsoever. However, all bagels are gluten-free.

  2. 0

    No. They are baked with milk and eggs. They are also not a whole grain product. However, they have no cholesterol and are lower in calories than regular white bread.

  3. 0

    Only if you can find straight vegan bagels. But then I won’t be sure that they will be called bagels at all! So no – these bagels are not vegan at all.

  4. 0

    bagels can be vegan but typically they only are if they are marked. Bagels are hard to find completely animal product free.

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